uberFAMILY offers FREE rides on Mother’s Day!
Uber launches uberFAMILY. Uber has launched a new program that allows families to request a ride with a carseat equipped with a car seat. And, to help spread the word, they are offering free rides in honor of Mother’s Day. If you are lucky, you will also receive a gift bag filled with goodies including GoGo squeeZ! If you haven’t downloaded the uber app yet, now is the time.
uberFAMILY — our new service that will allow parents and caregivers in New York City to request a ride equipped with a car seat. In honor of Mother’s Day, we’re kicking things off with a surcharge-free weekend courtesy of Care.com, the world’s largest online destination for finding and managing family care. Read here to learn more: http://blog.uber.com/uberfamily