For all you new parents and parents of toddlers, did you know there is a great parenting resource in the neighborhood?
Tribeca Parenting is NYC’s best education resource for expectant and new parents. You’ll find a wide range of classes to help you through a healthy, happy pregnancy and delivery, and then to guide your transition into parenting. No matter where you are in your journey as a new or veteran parent, you’ll find great learning, support, and community at Tribeca Parenting. And, for all of you with terrible 2’s, take advantage of their upcoming Toddler Talk class. The discussion will focus on toddlers from 12 – 36 mos. Keep in mind there are a ton of classes offered covering a wide range of parenting topics such as “New Dad Bootcamp” and sleeping through the night.
Date: Thursday, November 29th
Time: 7:30pm
Fee: $30
To learn more and register, log onto: