Third Street Music School Hosts East Village Caroling Crawl


The nation’s longest-running community school, founded in 1894, will host The East Village and Union Square Neighborhood Holiday Caroling event on December 15th. Third Street choristers, friends and family go about spreading holiday cheer with song throughout the community.  

The group will begin at the Con Edison Headquarters at 4:00pm and finish at St. Mark Church-In-The-Bowery garden at 7:00pm, stopping at local retailers and businesses from 17th Street down to 9th Street in the East Village. Carolers will rejoice with cookies courtesy of Veniero’s Pastry Shop and hot chocolate provided by Heavenly Market at the final stop.

Date: Thursday, December 15th 

Time: 4:00p 

Location: East Village – Various locations

For more information visit their website, HERE