Storytime at the Battery! Bring your children to Battery Urban Farm tomorrow! After storytime they will complete a hands-on project, recipe, or game! The book and activities will be centered around bees and honey, the wildlife in the Hudson River, the Statue of Liberty and cooking to understand cultural diversity! Children must be accompanies by a chaperone!
This is a great opportunity for kids to explore the Battery during the summer months. This program is weather dependent, cancellations will be announced on the Facebook page by 7p the evening before! All materials will be provided on a first come, first served basis! RSVP at info@the
The Battery is the largest public assembly area Downtown. It is known for hosting many exciting cultural events for people of all ages! The Battery is one of NYC’s oldest public parks. It overlooks New York Harbor and embodies the history of Manhattan. Over six million people visit the park annually, many of which enjoy it during the summer months!
Date: Tuesday, August 4th
Time: 9a – 10a
Ages: 3 – 8 years old
Fee: Free
For more information, please visit