Arts, Parenting

Rockin’ with Andy Drop-In Music Class in Tribeca

Rockin' with Andy Drop-In Music Class in TribecaRockin’ with Andy Drop-In Music Class in Tribeca. Calling all future rockstars…Rockin’ with Andy is the #1 Infant/Toddler Performer in NYC. Andy rocks out to all the popular kid tunes and many adult favorites as well. Each class includes 45 minutes of singing, playing, and fun! Rockin’ with Andy is starting drop-in music classes for infants to 3 years old at Downtown Dance Factory. All FiDi Families are invited to this fun drop in class, but you must sign up with Kidz Central Station. Scroll through their website for some fabulous offerings for kids of all ages.

Date: Tuesday, February 18th

Time: 12 noon

Cost: $25

Age(s): Infant to 3 years old

Location: 291 Broadway (Downtown Dance Factory in Tribeca)

Kidz Central Station

For more information and registration, please visit…

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