Take the pledge and help raise funds for Read for the Record on October 4th. Once you have pledged, you can read the LadyBug Girl online, for free!

Jumpstart’s premiere national campaign, Read for the Record, presented in partnership with the Pearson Foundation, is one day of the year when millions of individuals come together to celebrate literacy and support Jumpstart in its efforts to promote early childhood education.

On October 4th, people across the country will be encouraged to read the children’s book Ladybug Girl and the Bug Squad, by David Soman and Jacky Davis, in support of Jumpstart’s mission to work towards the day that every child in America enters school prepared to succeed. Find out if your school is participating. If not, your family can still pledge by logging onto www.readfortherecord.org.

Here’s what your donation can do:

  • $25 to supply a year’s worth of crayons and paper for one full classroom of children to learn to write their names
  • $60 to deliver one complete set of Jumpstart curriculum books, each carefully chosen for its education value
  • $100 to give two full classrooms puzzles and song charts to bring their curriculum books to life
  • $500 to offer training materials for Jumpstart Corps members to prepare them to serve in six full classrooms
  • $1,200 to fund 20 complete sets of Jumpstart curriculum books
  • $2,000 to provide one full school year of Jumpstart programs to one child

And, Starbucks is a participating partner and baristas will be reading and providing snacks for children at the following Lower Manhattan locations:

12pm – 2pm

  • 38 Park Row
  • 120 Church Street
  • 1 Battery Park Plaza
  • 55 Broad Street
  • 135 John Street

Grab the kids, guzzle some caffeine and enjoy a book. Hmmm, I might have to take the afternoon off from work!