Pop Fit Kids in lower Manhattan. Do you have little one’s with more energy than you know what to do with? Are you looking for a fun class for your energetic toddler? If so, grab the phone and call Pop Fit Kids to register for a great afternoon class in lower Manhattan. Join instructors for a fun-filled class with important core values built in, such as movement, endurance, strength and action-packed drills. It’s a great way to introduce health and fitness to kids at a young age.
Date: Tuesday, March 18th (recurring through June 3rd)
Time: 3:25p – 4:15p
Ages: Grades K-1
Location: 1 Morris Street (Leman Manhattan Preparatory School)
FiDi Families Insiders: To register, please contact Steve Levin at s.levin@lemanmanhattan.org or call 212-232-0266 ext. 254
To learn more, please visit http://www.popfitkids.com