Pinocchio at the New Amsterdam Library. Introduce the kids to the magical and intriguing world of Pinocchio at the New Amsterdam branch of the NY Public Library. Presented by the Traveling Lantern Theatre Company, this production tells the story of a little wooden marionette who is lovingly created by a master craftsmen named Gepetto. However, Pinocchio is a bad little puppet who turns out to be naughty and tells lies. He doesn’t listen to the good council of anyone: his father Gepetto, a philosopher Cricket, or a Blue Fairy. After many hair raising adventures, Pinocchio finally learns what it takes to become human… kindness, compassion, loyalty, hard work and selflessness.
Traveling Lantern has been educating and entertaining children nationwide for the past 25 years. Their mission is to bring great stories to children, to draw them into an active theater experience, to excite their minds and to tickle their imaginations.
The New Amsterdam Library has been hosting children’s programming for years and it’s a great way to introduce your children to the public library system. Kids can enjoy interactive stories, action songs, fingerplays, and spend time with other toddlers from the neighborhood. Story time is a great way to encourage listening skills, vocabulary and imagination. No reservation is required and the library has easy stroller access.
Date: Monday, April 14th
Time: 3:30p
Cost: Free
Ages: 4 years and older
FiDi Families Insider: Sign up for a free children’s library card. Children from birth to age 11 can have their own cards; applications must be signed and completed by a parent or guardian.
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