FiDi Families recently had the chance to attend a Lexus Pet Safety Event with The Girls Guide to Cars Team in Princeton, NJ. It was a fun morning full of education and networking as we learned about simple but effective ways to keep four-legged friends safe, while traveling. We met with the team from SleepyPod about different options for a harness, a travel carrier for a variety of weights and for feline friends, as well.
At the end of the day, only 6 states have official regulations and laws to keep pets safe in vehicles. But, pet owners have the ability to keep their four-legged pets safe, on their own. Which is why it was great to see the support that Lexus has for pet, transport and the well-being of these important family members.
We loved all of the models of Lexus and by the end of the event, I was ready for a new car and my daughter was ready for a dog. Sadly, we didn’t leave with either, but look forward to sharing what we learned with our friends with pets.
We had so much fun and looking forward to future events with A Girls Guide to Cars. Visit their site HERE. #ad #lexuspetsafety