I’m a lucky Mom of two for many reasons…I have healthy and happy kids and they are out of diapers and independent little kids. Our days of potty training and messy meals are behind us. And, so we move onto the next phase of parenting, which is Kindergarten for my daughter. So far, she has demonstrated a passion for the theatre. If you want to see drama and flair, look no further than my five year old. She has mastered the naughty face, the foot stomp and the “but Mommmmmy” like no other. 
But, education is important and math is a great subject to love. So, I will cultivate her dramatic side with theatre classes and dance, but want to really encourage her to love math and science. So, when I discovered a program that does just that, I was intrigued. 
The founders of Launch Math & Science Center have created a variety of programs for all ages and they have developed a formula of learning that is second to none. This summer, they offered full-day and half-day summer camp options in Tribeca and the Upper East Side.  There were several different themes offered for the different age groups, including Boundless Biology, Coding and Gaming and Rocking Robotics. This Fall they launched their program in Tribeca and it has been a wonderful success. 
I recently asked my daughter what she thought of Launch Math and her dramatic response was “it was ah-mazzzing”. My 7 year old started his Fall with a Coding class and he proudly returned from his first class with a user name and password on his Launch Math worksheet. He could not wait to showcase his work at home. 
My son is a born mathematician and is very engaged with his math studies at school. I’ve loved the chance to show him that math can be used in many ways including gaming and coding is a great introduction to the world of technology without the focus being on a tablet. 
My daughter isn’t old enough to form an opinion on her experience with math. In my opinion, its a great opportunity to introduce her to it, in a fun environment and to not feel pressure. 
Address: 124 Hudson Street 
Ages: 4-12 years
Cost: Program costs vary, based on class selection
FiDi Families Insiders: 
For more information, please visit http://www.launchmath.com.