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Join Moms in Training and the Kidville FiDi Team

Calling All Moms! Get In Shape. Meet Moms. Fight Cancer. Join Moms In Training for an awesome 9-week fitness program! The program starts September 25th and cumulates with the opportunity to participate in a 4 mile walk/run on November 22nd in Central Park. Moms of all ages with kids of all ages, come treat yourself to something that will keep you motivated, in-shape, and allow you to benefit an amazing cause! See what inspires 2,000 women to raise $2.5 million in the fight against cancer!

Info Session Date: September 12th

Time: 11am

Location: 40 Gold Street

To register for the Kidville team, visit and use an NYC zip code to find the Moms In Training Event. Be sure to select “Join a Team” and search for Kidville FiDi Moms!

Join Moms in Training and the Kidville FiDi Team

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