Imagination Playground needs your voice…
FiDi Families is supporting a campaign to dial 3-1-1 to ask the City to help clean up and ensure the safety of the children that frequent and enjoy the Imagination Playground. Hurricane Sandy damaged much of the equipment and blocks and left behind mold in the water feature and pollutants such as gas and oil. As much as the kids love this spot, it may be best to replace the equipment/sand before the kids return. This will only happen if enough fans of the ImaginationPlayground dial 3-1-1 and request that this is done.
To save yourself some frustration, be sure to indicate that you are calling to submit a playground complaint. Otherwise, the customer service rep will tell you that there is no forum to submit a request to clean up the playground, as I found out! Luckily, I’m stubborn and was able to submit my appeal. Get dialing!