Home Depot Kids Workshop (FREE)


Every once in a while, we write about events outside of Lower Manhattan. A great example is sharing info on the monthly kids workshops at the Home Depot. It’s worth the jump on the subway or taxi to take advantage of this fun, free and family-friendly event. 

Kids are invited to join the team from Home Depot to create a wood toolbox they can use for keeping anything from art supplies to toys neat and portable. Once the toolbox is built, your child can paint it in their favorite color, so dress them appropriately!

Plus, kids get to keep their craft, receive a FREE certificate of achievement, a workshop apron, and a pin while supplies last!

Children must be present at the store to participate in the workshop and receive the kit, apron and pin.

Date: Saturday, January 7th 2017

Time: 9a – 12p

Location: 40 West 23rd Street (Home Depot)

Ages: All

Fee: Free but RSVP suggested

Click here for more details.