“Guess Who Zoo” at the Poets House. Spend a Saturday morning with the kids at the lovely Poets House Children’s Room. Learn lots of facts about animals through fun rhymes and songs by author and poet Howard Eisenberg, write riddle poems, and make puzzle pictures! The Constance Laibe Hays Children’s Room at Poets House offers opportunities for children to experience poetry, attend unique performances and participate in creating poetry, art, music and dance. Every object in the room is intended to promote thought and creative association. It’s a great indoor destination and an easy way to introduce children to the wonder of words and poetry. Show your support for amazing institutions like the Poets House and visit this kid-friendly spot.
Howard Eisenberg is the author of Guess Who Zoo, Guess Who Farm, and Guess Who Neighborhood.
Date: Saturday, March 22nd
Time: 11a
Age(s): All ages welcome
Cost: $5/person. Ages 4 and under are free
Location: 10 River Terrace
For additional information, please visit http://www.poetshouse.org