Activities, Arts, Bookstore, Parenting

Barnes and Noble Live Adaption of Beauty and the Beast Event


Barnes and Noble Live Adaption of Beauty and the Beast Event


Barnes and Noble, the nation’s largest retail book seller is hosting a special event in stores around the country and in our very own NYC. Fans are invited to the store to celebrate the release of the live-action movie with a special Storytime reading of Cynthia Rylant’s Beauty and the Beast picture book. After Storytime, fans are encouraged to join in a sing-along to the beloved movie soundtrack featuring all the classic, popular songs from the movie. Additionally, children will be able to create their own story scenes from the movie using stickers, writing or drawing.  There will be several giveaways throughout the duration of the event! We hope you will be our guest!

Date: Saturday, April 1st

Time: 11am 

Location: 122 Fifth Avenue – Barnes and Noble Bookstore

Age(s): All ages welcomed

Fee: Free!

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