Arts Brookfield brings back the acclaimed “Silent Film/Live Music” series, curated by John Schaefer. Experience three unforgettable evenings of classic silent film screenings accompanied by live music! The first 600 attendees receive free popcorn.
Performance Schedule — all films start at 7:30 pm
Wednesday, Jan 22, scored and performed by Alexis Cuadrado:
- Alice Guy-Blaché’s The Consequences of Feminism (World Premiere) (6:44 mins) and Algie the Miner (World Premiere) (9:42 mins)
- Harold M. Shaw’s The Land Beyond the Sunset (World Premiere)(14 mins)
- Charlie Chaplin’s The Immigrant (2015) (25 mins)
Thursday, Jan 23, scored and performed by Vernon Reid:
- James Searle Dawley’s Frankenstein (World Premiere) (14 min)
- Tod Browning’s masterpiece The Unknown (World Premiere) (59 min)
Friday, Jan 24, scored by GoGo Penguin:
- Godfrey Reggio’s Koyaanisqatsi (New York Premiere) (100 mins)
Location: 230 Vesey Street – Brookfield Place, Winter Garden
Age(s): All ages welcome
Cost: FREE! No RSVP or tickets needed, but seating for these popular performances is first come, first served and early arrival is strongly suggested.
For more information visit their website, HERE