FiDi Favs, FiDi News

Adirondack Creamery Ice Cream…Just in time for the Holidays!

Adirondack CreameryThe Adirondack Creamery Ice Cream has released its latest batch of flavors and just in time for the Holiday’s. FiDi Families got a taste of their holiday favorites and we are hooked. The ingredients in all of their creamy concoctions are made from locally sourced farms, without any artificial ingredients, from Hudson Valley. Check out their seasonal collection…

Pumpkin Pie (November only) was a FiDi Families fave; rich, creamy with hints of nutmeg, cinnamon, and earthy pumpkin. It truly tastes like a forkful of Grandma’s pumpkin pie. This ice cream would be a hit at any Thanksgiving feast.

Peppermint Stick This one is for anyone who loves candy canes and pieces of crunchy goodness in their ice cream. It was my son’s favorite, who also happens to love the character Vanelope from Sugar Rush in Wreck it Ralph…the more sugar, the better. The candy is locally made and no artificial flavors are used. It is really like a stop at Candy Land.

Egg Nog If anyone in your family insists on stocking the refrigerator with Egg Nog during the holiday’s, this will be your new g0-to holiday treat. It is rich, full of flavor and better than the real thing.

Empire State Caramel Apple If you grew up getting candy apples during trips to get a Christmas tree or on hikes or visits to special destinations, it will bring back childhood memories. I could have consumed the whole pint. It was my favorite of the four we had the pleasure of tasting. In recognition of the history and importance of apple growing and candy and food manufacturing in upstate NY, the County Executive in Ulster County will declare Caramel Apple as the “Official County Ice Cream Flavor” for this widely recognized dairy and farming area. Not bad for a company that was dreamed up in a NYC studio apartment.

Their motto is “Farm Fresh. Local. Simple. Udderly Delicious” and I couldn’t agree more. Now, run out to the market and get some of this creamy goodness! Pick up a pint on the way to your holiday soiree or family movie night at some of the following spots: Zeytuna, Whole Foods, Garden of Eden, Fresh Direct, Gourmet Garage and even Duane Reade!

Adirondack Creamery Ice CreamTo learn more about their products and additional flavors, please visit:


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