Future Scapes: A Diorama Workshop at Apex Art. Ever wonder what the view from your window look like in 50 years? In this family-friendly workshop, the children will be asked to imagine what the future outside their window will look like and then will create it. They will make tunnel books, dioramas that fold flat, of this world they envisioned. You can come at any time during the event to begin, and all materials are provided.
The class will be taught by Angela Kramer, a history and arts educator who has developed children’s programs for museums and historic sites. Spaces are limited, so make sure to sign up ASAP!
Date: Saturday, April 25th
Time: 12p-3p
Location: 291 Church St. (Apex Art)
Ages: All ages welcome!
Fee: $5
For more information, please visit http://apexart.org.