The Saturday Morning Show at Brookfield Place!

The Saturday Morning Show at Brookfield Place! This winter Brookfield Place has been hosting winter weekend events for the little ones. There are two weeks left of their programming and they are jam-packed with fun performers! This week Vered and the Babes band will be performing for the kids with their many instruments (including pots and pans and a french horn). Award-winning story teller, banjoist and author, Bill Gordh will also be there on Saturday. Next week’s lineup includes Mario the Magician and Mil’s Trills, with music from around the world. 

Date: Saturday, March 7th and Saturday, March 14th

Time: 11a – 1p

Location: 200 Vesey Street (Hudson Eats at Brookfield Place)

Ages: Infant – 8 years old 

Fee: Free!

For more information please visit