Fandango Family Room with FiDi Families

Winter can be a tough time on kids who live in cold weather climates. The weekends can seem long and boring to kids and grown ups, too. It can be hard to motivate families since it is simply too cold and everyone wants to stay indoors. The winter in New York City has certainly been a cold one and we know our friends on the East Coast and beyond have felt the power of “Old Man Winter”. But, in our Fandango Family, it has been the perfect excuse and motivation needed, to catch the latest and greatest of family movies. 

We have been able to log on and visit the Fandango website and scroll through the family options, together. And, with a 4 and a 6 year old, it has been fun to introduce them to the wonders of technology. The fact that we could purchase tickets without having to stand in line was simply amazing to these kids.


We were lucky enough to meet up with Nicole Kidman at the screening for her family film “Paddington” as well as get splashed by Sponge Bob for the screening of “Sponge Out of Water”.

Fandango Family Room with FiDi Families

We also had a chance this Winter to catch a silly family movie that had our kids doubled over in laughter, “Russell Madness”. Plus, we were lucky enough to offer a giveaway to the screening to our readers! 

Fandango Family Room with FiDi Families

Fandango Family Room with FiDi FamiliesMy daughter and I are very excited to check out the upcoming screening of Cinderella and I’m pretty sure she will be wearing her Cinderella costume to the theatre. I would’t be surprised if she wears her Cinderella dress along with her Elsa shoes, but it is to be expected since they both love the color blue!

Fandango Family Room with FiDi FamiliesMy 6 year old son is incredibly excited to see “The Monkey Kingdom”   and his excitement is starting to rub off on his little sister, so I’m pretty sure it will be a family affair. Since they both have loves that are monkey’s, chances are we may invite them, too. 

As we look forward to Spring, we are thankful we had a wide range of films to choose from, this Winter. It’s been fun watch movies on the big screen, together, as a family, with the benefit of technology, courtesy of the Family Room with Fandango. 

Fandango Family Room with FiDi Families

Our fingers are crossed that the snow stops soon. But, we are excited to see what other movies are on their way this Spring and Summer, since I’m sure we’ll be complaining that it’s too hot outside and you know what that means…It’s #FandangoFamily Movie time! See you at the movies! 

Fandango Family Room with FiDi Families