If your childen love to help with recipes and love playdough, test out the FiDi Families tested playdough recipe below for a fun holiday-themed project, perfect for little hands. Get out the aprons!
2 Cups of Flour
2 Cups of Water
1 Cups of Salt
1 Tblsp of Cream of Tartar
1 Tblsp of Vegetable Oil
Food Coloring – pick your favorite color(s)
Mix all ingredients in a sauce pan over medium to low heat, but don’t add the food coloring. Stir continuously until the mixture thickens and doesn’t stick to the sauce pan. Once the playdough is cool, knead until the desired consistency.
For fun, add in drops of food coloring to make the playdough festive. Add in crushed candy canes for extra fun. Set up a playdate and have fun!