The Crafty Kids Donates to local Seaport Restaurants! Stacey Kurylo, the owner of The Crafty Kids, wanted to do something for Seaport restaurants still suffering from the effects of the hurricane after more than a year. She said, “As a new small business I didn’t think there was anything I could do to help. Then I had this idea to use my craft business in a unique way.”
Her idea is that if a restaurant distributes her kits to young customers to enhance their dining experience then the customer will remember that restaurant with a smile and want to go back. “It’s only a small donation to these wonderful restaurants but if even one customer comes back to each
restaurant because of this then at least I know I’ve helped in some way.” Each kit contains a storybook craft with paper, cover, string, crayons, and lots of stickers so children can create their own storybook and then write their own story while waiting for their food! Each restaurant received 20 kits in various themes. Themes included aquatic life, wild west, butterflies, outer space, dinosaurs, flowers, transportation, and more. Restaurants are currently distributing them to their customers with children.
Stop by one of these fantastic, FiDi Families favorites…Aqua, Barbalu, Cowgirl Seahorse, Fresh Salt, Keg 229, Il Brigante, Meade’s, Nelson Blue, The Paris Cafe, and the Trading Post.
For The Crafty Kids the donation is personal. Stacey has occupied her artist’s loft space on William Street for 40 years. As a long time local she remembers Carmines, Bridge Cafe, Paris Café, and other restaurants in the neighborhood that had been here since she was a child. She has seen a lot of changes in all those years and she knows the Seaport restaurant community is strong and resilient with some of the best restaurants in lower Manhattan. As a longtime resident of the neighborhood, she also shows her love of the seaport through her participation each year at the Taste of the Seaport, sponsored by the Spruce Street School, where The Crafty Kids sells custom-designed fresh produce themed craft kits and donates all proceeds.
For more information on The Crafty Kids please visit