Sawyer - Online Scheduling for Kids Classes in NYC
Jewelry-making with Sawyer Partner Jewelry Camp NYC

FiDi Families Contributor Teresa Wang had a chance to book a class with the new website Sawyer. With 3 kids in tow, she is always on the go and always looking for family-friendly activities. She set out to test the site and learn more about this new online resource.

Whether you have multiple kids with different ages and interests or one child with many different preferences for each day of the week, it can be time-consuming to find and book each class individually to satisfy them all. In comes Sawyer to the rescue. Sawyer is a one-stop shop booking website, perfect for babies to adults, weekdays to weekends, after-school to summer camps! Classes are easy to narrow down your choices and book according to your schedule. 

Sawyer - Online Scheduling for Kids Classes in NYC
Treasure Hunt with Sawyer Partner Treasure Trunk Theatre

Our personal experience was one of ease. It was an easy process to log on and set up a Sawyer account and the site was easy to navigate. As luck would have it, our Saturday morning was a rainy one and forced our family to cancel our morning plans to be outside. I logged onto Sawyer and scrolled through all that was available at that time and found Musi Bambino Music Program. Check-in was simple as they already received my sign up through Sawyer.

Sawyer - Online Scheduling for Kids Classes in NYC

We had an amazing time with puppets, dancing, and even played the trombone! There was another teacher playing classical songs and melodic chimes the entire class time. It was an amazing find, especially last minute. My morning was saved with Sawyer and I will go to them for more classes and camps. 

Sawyer - Online Scheduling for Kids Classes in NYC
Sing-A-Long with Sawyer Partner Jam with Jamie

As a Mom of 3 toddlers, I don’t have a lot of time to spend online. But, I appreciate the ease of the Sawyer website. The booking process was simple and efficient. Drop-ins, semesters, camps and events—discover it all on Sawyer; I look forward to booking our whole summer through this amazing new site! It has busy parents in mind and will make summer a lot more fun for the whole family. 

Visit their website HERE.

Sawyer - Online Scheduling for Kids Classes in NYCSawyer - Online Scheduling for Kids Classes in NYC

 Sawyer - Online Scheduling for Kids Classes in NYC