Have you heard the good news? Pip’s Island, the wholly immersive and groundbreaking theatrical extravaganza for kids has returned to NYC and is now in its permanent home in Times Square. This amazing theatrical experience takes place in a custom-built venue that is a stunner. The Pip’s Island adventure follows the history, mythology, and adventures of a cast of characters, led by a boy named Pip and his fellow adventurers Pebble and Finn.

Visitors can expect an hour-long interactive “hero’s journey”, encouraging guests to use their imagination and participate in the performance, in a very unique way. The storytelling involves a variety of live performances, puppets, interactive set-pieces and animated characters. Expect to interact with an explorer, a dreamer, an artist, a scientist, and/or the action hero in your life. The main goal is to encourage guests to be engaged in helping the Island’s inhabitants save the day!
Date(s): Open permanently, 7 days/week
Time(s): Show times vary, one-hour in length
Location: 400 West 42nd Street at 9th Avenue
Fee: Starting at $39
Age(s): Recommended for 4 – 10 years of age
FiDi Families Insiders: Take advantage of a 10% discount by using promo code FIDI at checkout.
For more information and to purchase tickets, visit their website at www.PipsIsland.com or by calling ShowTix at 888.718.4253.