WeGrow Enrolling Students Ages 2-12


WeGrow, the conscious entrepreneurial school by WeWork, is now enrolling students ages 2 to 12 years-old for the 2019-2020 school year at its Chelsea campus. Through a curriculum that focuses equally on developing a child’s healthy mind, body, and soul, WeGrow is committed to cultivating global, happy citizens who know who they are, understand their gifts, and approach life with wonder, joy, humility, and a profound desire to share.

Students spend time each morning in a Montessori-based Grow Cycle engaging in a process of self-construction through independent and collaborative interactions with materials, exploring subjects such as math, science, social studies, and language arts. The schedule continues with Creative Expressions, as students engage in two daily classes, which alternate between Music, Drama, Dance, Martial Arts, and Fine Arts. Live music is also interspersed throughout the schedule, as well as a one-to-one mentorship program and Technology & Makers curriculum.

WeGrow also presents students with the opportunity to choose from several immersive cultural and language tracks. For the 2019-2020 school year, WeGrow is excited to offer a Judaics track that will incorporate Jewish studies, follow the Jewish Calendar, and provide intensive modern Hebrew language immersion (students in this track may also choose to become proficient in Mandarin). WeGrow’s methodology teaches universal life principles and a spiritual approach to Judaism.

For students participating in the English and Mandarin tracks, students gain written and verbal fluency in Mandarin. We also incorporate the study of Eastern Wisdom Traditions including Yoga, Ayurveda, and Secular Ethics based in Tibetan Buddhism and Taoism.

Each track will be one neighborhood in a WeGrow village that embodies many beautiful languages and cultures.  Within these traditions, we support our students’ journeys to connect deeply to their roots and use the wisdom and spirituality from their ancestors to best serve the larger We. We welcome children and families from all backgrounds to enroll in the track of their preference.

WeGrow plans to extend through high school, as well as expand to a global network of campuses. To learn more and apply today, visit www.WeGrow.com.