Cheerleading Registration OPEN with the Downtown Giants


Registration is now open for the launch of the new Downtown Giants Cheerleading Program. Kids will have a chance to meet other children from the neighborhood, learn routines and socialize in a fun environment. Cheer practice will be 2x a week, tentatively scheduled to be held at the Battery Park Baseball Fields as well as Stuyvesant High School. Games will occur on weekends and cheerleaders will perform at football and possibly basketball games in the winter. 

Date(s): TBD; End of Summer/beginning of Fall through November

Age(s): All ages welcome and cheerleaders will be placed into age-appropriate groups

Cost: $600 (includes 2 cheer uniforms and practices with cheer coaches)

FiDi Families Insiders: Be sure to enter FIDIFAM to let DTG know you are a FiDi Families fan! 

For more information and registration, please visit their website HERE