Mocakids Storytime at the Museum of Chinese America


Be sure to check out the Museum of Chinese America for stories, finger-plays, songs, and more in English and Mandarin! Interactive songs, nursery rhymes, and arts & crafts will accompany this bilingual story-time. A lively 30-minute combination of fun activities and language exploration will enhance your young child’s word skills and vocabulary, both of which are important for a strong, growing reader. This is a short event and only offered two days of the month so don’t miss out!

Date: Thursday, April 12th

Time: 3:30pm – 4:00pm

Location: 215 Centre Street – Museum of Chinese America

Fee: Free with museum admission of $10 regular; admission for seniors, students, and children 2 and up is $5

Age: recommended 3 – 6 years old but all welcome

For more information please visit their website HERE