Lower Manhattan Block Party (FREE)


Friends of the Lower West Side and the Washington Street Historical Society are hosting a community block party to celebrate the “Lower West Side” on Saturday, July 30, 2016 from 12:00 PM – 5 PM. 

It will take place on Washington Street between Rector and Carlisle Streets. Please join your Lower Manhattan neighbors, local businesses and community organizations in celebrating the neighborhood’s rich diversity that once thrived in the area West of Broadway from Liberty Street to the southernmost tip of Manhattan. OPEN TO ALL AGES. 

Some highlights include:

  • Musicians performing ethnic music and tunes from 1pm- 4pm, including an accordion player and guitarist. 
  • Calligraphers offering both Arabic and Chinese calligraphy demonstrations and takeaways for kids and adults. 
  • Historic Preservation Tours offered at intervals to learn of the past immigrant experience on the Lower West Side. 
  • Arts & crafts and games for kids.
  • Raffles: prizes include nights at The Marriott New York-Downtown, the W Hotel and the Holiday Inn-Financial District.
  • Local Restaurants will all offer free samples of assorted hors d’oeuvres and appetizers from their various menus: Schilling, St George’s Tavern, George’s Diner and Sam Sahadi’s.


Lower Manhattan Block Party (FREE)